Address Fetching
provides some address fetching helpers at runtime.
Pattern Scan
To do a pattern scan using KMP, given string pattern:
std::string pattern{ "40 57 48 83 EC 30 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??" };
void* search_pattern(
std::string_view pattern,
std::uintptr_t base = 0,
std::size_t size = 0
: string pattern to search, spacing is optional, each byte must be two characters.base
: address of memory block to search, defaults to module.textx.size
: size of memory block to search, defaults to module.textx.size.
Returns nullptr
if not found. Otherwise return the first match.
Linear Search
To use pattern at compile time, use specialized template version:
void* search_pattern<"40 57 48 83 EC 30 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??">(base = 0, size = 0);
This template version performs a linear search instead of default KMP.
Rip Addressing
To get the actual address of a rip-relative displacement used in an instruction.
Given target assembly:
0x141234567: call [rip + 0x30]
0x14123456D: lea rax, ds: [rip + 0x1110]
0x141234574: mov rax, ds: [rip + 0x114514]
We want the final address of these rip displacements:
std::uintptr_t funcAddr = dku::Hook::GetDisp(0x141234567);
auto actorSingleton = dku::Hook::GetDisp<void**>(0x14123456D);
bool significance = *dku::Hook::GetDisp<bool*>(0x141234574);
Adjust Pointer
Offset a pointer with type cast.
// read bool member value at 0x220 from a class pointer
auto& member = *dku::Hook::adjust_pointer<bool>(actor, 0x220);
Module IAT
Get import address of method in a library loaded by module.
void* GetImportAddress(
std::string_view moduleName,
std::string_view libraryName,
std::string_view importName)
Class VTable
Get the address of n-th function in class virtual function table.
size_t n = 0x8; // get 8th function
Actor* actor = new Actor(); // class pointer, also vptr
auto func = dku::Hook::TblToAbs(actor, n);