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Address Fetching

DKUtil::Hook provides some address fetching helpers at runtime.

Pattern Scan

To do a pattern scan using KMP, given string pattern:

std::string pattern{ "40 57 48 83 EC 30 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??" };


void* search_pattern(
	std::string_view pattern,
	std::uintptr_t base = 0,
	std::size_t size = 0


  • pattern : string pattern to search, spacing is optional, each byte must be two characters.
  • base : address of memory block to search, defaults to module.textx.
  • size : size of memory block to search, defaults to module.textx.size.

Returns nullptr if not found. Otherwise return the first match.

To use pattern at compile time, use specialized template version:

void* search_pattern<"40 57 48 83 EC 30 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??">(base = 0, size = 0);

This template version performs a linear search instead of default KMP.

Rip Addressing

To get the actual address of a rip-relative displacement used in an instruction.

Given target assembly:

0x141234567:   call [rip + 0x30]
0x14123456D:   lea rax, ds: [rip + 0x1110]
0x141234574:   mov rax, ds: [rip + 0x114514]

We want the final address of these rip displacements:

std::uintptr_t funcAddr = dku::Hook::GetDisp(0x141234567);
auto actorSingleton = dku::Hook::GetDisp<void**>(0x14123456D);
bool significance = *dku::Hook::GetDisp<bool*>(0x141234574);

Adjust Pointer

Offset a pointer with type cast.

// read bool member value at 0x220 from a class pointer
auto& member = *dku::Hook::adjust_pointer<bool>(actor, 0x220);

Module IAT

Get import address of method in a library loaded by module.

void* GetImportAddress(
    std::string_view moduleName, 
    std::string_view libraryName, 
    std::string_view importName)

Class VTable

Get the address of n-th function in class virtual function table.

size_t n = 0x8;             // get 8th function
Actor* actor = new Actor(); // class pointer, also vptr
auto func = dku::Hook::TblToAbs(actor, n);

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